Keeping our Teens Drug and Alcohol Free

CTAD Volunteers Speak Out About the Rewards

COMMUNITY is the backbone of CTAD’s success. Our giving residents, parents, professionals and community leaders work on a common goal: to ensure a healthy, successful future for our youth. It takes all of us together to keep our teens safe and empowered to make drug-free choices.

Benefits of volunteering for CTAD, according to CTAD volunteers:

  • Having easier conversations with my teenage boys about staying safe
  • Making friends from different school districts and community organizations, all of whom have a common interest in keeping our youth safe and substance free
  • Being equipped to respond to my teen’s sweeping statement, ‘It’s ok mom, everyone is drinking, going to the party, or (fill in the blank).’ I know from my CTAD involvement, MOST students are not!
  • Expanding my network by connecting with parents, mental health professionals, experts, and organizations working with youth
  • Enhancing my personal and professional growth by building connections, gaining valuable insights and collaborations

Check out ways to volunteer below. Contact or 224-765-2823 (224-765-CTAD) to get involved.