Drug-Free Because YOU CARE
DHS & HPHS Awareness Campaign The latest poster in the “Drug-Free Because YOU CARE” campaign celebrates the 83% of DHS & HPHS students who say
DHS & HPHS Awareness Campaign The latest poster in the “Drug-Free Because YOU CARE” campaign celebrates the 83% of DHS & HPHS students who say
60 Second Conversation Starters about Anxiety & Social Distancing Payton Murillo-Huhn from Chicago HIDTA has done so much for CTAD. His technical assistance & data
DHS & HPHS PARENTS remember to espresso your voice and help CTAD tailor resources that will have the most impact in our community. Take this
60 Second Conversation Starter We can teach our kids from an early age how to stand up for what they believe in by encouraging them
Mailing Address:
433 Vine Ave., Highland Park IL 60035
Office Locations:
Deerfield & Highland Park High Schools
Phone: 224-765-CTAD (224-765-2823)
Email: info@communitytheantidrug.org