Keeping our Teens Drug and Alcohol Free

Building Resilience in Challenging Times

As parents we want to protect our children from the stress and uncertainty of COVID-19. Even though we can’t control the situation, we can strengthen our relationships with our children while building their resilience.

Below are feelings many of us are experiencing, matched with the opportunity they offer parents to model and teach their children lifelong resilience skills. For additional feelings/skills, click HERE.

Emotion: “I feel helpless.”
Resilience skill: Find what you CAN do.
How to respond: Model the practice of saying “yet,” which is one of the most calming words. “I can’t do ____!” can transform into “I can’t do ______ yet.” Help your child see that setbacks can be opportunities for trying yet again.

Emotion: “I don’t know how to handle how I feel.”
Resilience skill: Process and release emotions.
How to respond: Talking about feelings is necessary and being honest with how we feel paves the way for healing.

Emotion: “I miss my family and friends.”
Resilience skill: Relationships strengthen us.
How to respond: Show your children that when times get tough and people unify, there can be a future where we hold those we love dear while offering support to those who are more vulnerable.

Source: How to Help Children Build Resilience in Uncertain Times, healthychidren,org

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